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Firearms and Weapons (NSW)

In New South Wales, firearms and weapons offences are governed by the Firearms Act 1996. This legislation regulates the possession, use, purchase, manufacture and supply of firearms and components. The intent of the legislation is to limit firearm possession and promote public safety.

In New South Wales, a firearm is defined quite broadly as a “gun or other weapon, that is (or at any time was) capable of propelling a projectile by means of an explosive.” This includes blank fire firearms and air guns. The legislation also treats imitation (“replica”) firearms, that are not specifically produced and identified as a children’s toy, in the same manner as the firearm, gun, pistol, rifle or weapon that they represent.

More information about firearms offences is given in the articles below.

Offences arising out of the Firearms Act may occur by way of a penalty notice and may be dealt with by paying the fine. This is not an admission of guilt and if the full fine provided in the penalty notice is paid, the person is not liable to any further proceedings for that offence

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