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Criminal charges can have serious consequences on all aspects of your life. Most people who seek our advice are charged with offences that could result in severe penalties including a custodial sentence. In these circumstances, you need a firm that practices exclusively in criminal law to ensure that you receive the best outcome possible.

Our team of criminal lawyers handle a wide range of criminal cases, including assaults, sexual and indecent assaults, drug matters, thefts and frauds. With a former Victorian prosecutor and a former Legal Aid solicitor among our team we can view your matter from every perspective.

At Armstrong Legal we understand that being summons to court can be a confusing and overwhelming process. Our lawyers are skilled at guiding you through all types of criminal law proceedings and will be able to keep you fully informed of your court dates and all developments in your case.

Our Melbourne Lawyers can do Legal Aid work in limited situations where you cannot afford representation. We do not offer Legal Aid for matters involving AVOs or for Corporate Crime matters. If you’d like more information on the cases we can do Legal Aid work for, give us a call on 1300 038 223.

Legal Hotline
Open 7am - Midnight, 7 Days
Call 1300 038 223