Armstrong Legal NSW
Armstrong Legal NSW
Armstrong Legal has a number of NSW lawyers who are ready to help you with your legal matter. Our NSW team has a number of accredited specialists whop have been formally recognised by the Law Society of New South Wales, the industry body that issues practising certificates and regulates NSW lawyers.
New South Wales is the largest state in Australia with 8 million people. Our lawyers regularly travel all over the state to assist people with their legal issues so whether you’re in Sydney, Wollongong, Bingara, or elsewhere, their knowledge and experience can help you with your legal matter. We conduct conferences via phone or video and there is no location we won’t travel to. People hire Armstrong Legal because we are the best lawyers for the job.
Our NSW lawyers can advise you on a huge spectrum of legal matters including marriage separation, financial agreements, international family law (Hague Convention), domestic violence, de facto separation, costs involved in family law matters, drug driving, traffic or other infringement notices and penalties, habitual traffic offender declarations, dangerous driving, appeals, break, enter and steal, affray and public violence, assault, perjury and false statements, property offences, assault, contested wills, other will disputes, ASIC offences, bribery, forgery, insider trading, tax fraud, child pornography and grievous bodily harm (GBH).
New South Wales Corporate Crime Lawyers
Our NSW lawyers have years of criminal law experience so if you or your corporation has breached a criminal law or regulation, they’re well-positioned to help you with your case.
Our team of highly qualified and experienced criminal lawyers includes three industry accredited Criminal Law specialists and a former prosecutor. A number of our lawyers are regularly recognised in the Doyles Guide as being at the top of their field.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers can provide direction and advice when you’re dealing with ASIC investigations or offences, environmental offences, forgery, identity fraud, money laundering or tax fraud.
New South Wales Contested Wills Lawyers
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers recognise that no two cases involving a contested will are the same. They will listen and attend closely to your case so that you obtain legal advice relevant to your individual circumstance.
There is a time limit in which a person can contest, challenge or defend a will so you should contact one of our NSW lawyers to get legal advice at the earliest opportunity.
The majority of matters involving wills and estates are done on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, so you will not be required to pay Armstrong Legal any upfront costs at this challenging time.
New South Wales Traffic Lawyers
Although traffic offences are common and handled by the Local Court, they are treated very seriously by magistrates and traffic law can be incredibly complex.
If you have been charged with a traffic offence such as dangerous driving, driving while disqualified or negligent driving or would like to lodge a licence and speeding appeal, it is absolutely essential that you contact one of Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers. They can advise you on the best course of action to take to achieve the best possible outcome in your matter.
Our NSW lawyers have a lot of experience in Traffic Law and are knowledgeable. Some of our lawyers have been recognised repeatedly on the Doyles Guide as being at the top of the field of traffic law in NSW.
New South Wales Criminal Lawyers
Most criminal offences are found in the Crimes Act 1900, the Crimes Act 1914 and the Criminal Code Act 1995.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers hold extensive knowledge and expertise in all facets of criminal law.
If you have been charged with a criminal offence, then it’s essential that you seek legal advice at the first opportunity so you can achieve the best possible outcome.
Our NSW lawyers (including three accredited criminal law specialists) can advise you every step of the way and inform you about defence investigation, criminal trials, defences, appeals and going to court.
New South Wales Domestic Violence Lawyers
Domestic violence is very common and may play a part in relationship break ups.
Armstrong Legal’s New South Wales lawyers are well qualified in the area of domestic violence and will address your matter with sensitivity and discretion.
If you would like some legal advice, our New South Wales lawyers should be your first point of contact. They can answer your concerns and help you with an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) application and with any other queries you may have.
New South Wales Family Lawyers
If you are going through a de facto relationship separation, marriage separation or divorce, you may find yourself requiring the services of an NSW lawyer with experience in Family Law.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers have the expertise and skills to help you through the process and can assist with mediation or negotiation to reduce the likelihood that the matter of property settlement or child custody will end up being heard in the Local Court or the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.
Typically, when a relationship ends, the two parties are in different places emotionally. Our family lawyers are friendly, approachable and can help you develop strategies to help with parenting after separation.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers practise in accordance with the Family Law Act 1975 which is based on the principles that all children have the right to safety and to know both their parents.
Costs and payments
Our lawyers will be able to give you an indication of your likely costs during your very first consultation with us. If you are concerned about costs or finances, speak to us about that and we will be able to see what we can do to assist you. The types of cost and payment arrangements that are available to you will depend on what kind of legal matter you have.
Generally speaking, the different kinds of payment options are:
- “pay as you go” – a down payment is required for us to commence work on your matter and then there will be regular ongoing payments required as time goes on;
- “pay at the end” – available for some family law and contested estates matters;
- “no win, no fee” – available for some police accountability matters;
Unfortunately, our NSW lawyers do not offer Legal Aid.
Our NSW lawyers have over 100 years of criminal law experience so if you or your corporation has breached a criminal law or regulation, they’re well-positioned to help you with your case.
In addition to being qualified and experienced criminal lawyers, the team includes two industry accredited Criminal Law specialists, a former Australian Tax Office litigator, a former police detective and two former prosecutors. The expert legal team also hold business and commerce degrees.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers can provide direction and advice when you’re dealing with ASIC investigations or offences, environmental offences such as illegal development and building works, forgery, identity fraud, money laundering or tax fraud.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers recognise that no two cases involving a contested will are the same; and will listen to your case so that you obtain legal advice relevant to your individual circumstance.
There is a time limit in which you can contest, challenge or defend a will so you should contact one of our NSW lawyers to get legal advice at the earliest opportunity.
The majority of matters involving wills and estates are done on a no win no fee basis, so you will not be required to pay Armstrong Legal any upfront costs at an already challenging time.
Although they are common and handled by the Local Court, traffic offences are treated very seriously by Magistrates.
If you have been charged with a traffic offence such as dangerous driving, driving while disqualified, negligent driving or would like to lodge a licence and speeding appeal it’s absolutely essential that you contact one of Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers. They can advise you on the best course of action to take so that you can have your fines and penalties annulled or avoid demerit points to save your licence.
Our NSW lawyers who specialise in Traffic Law are knowledgable and share your goal of obtaining the best possible result in your traffic law matter.
Three statutes govern criminal law in New South Wales; the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) and two pieces of Australian federal legislation; the Crimes Act 1914 and the Criminal Code Act 1995.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers hold extensive knowledge and expertise in all facets of criminal law.
If you have been charged with a criminal offence then it’s essential that you seek legal advice at the first opportunity so you can receive the best possible outcome.
Our NSW lawyers who specialise in criminal law can advise you every step of the way and inform you about defence investigation, criminal trials, defences, appeals, going to court in NSW and support for parents whose family members have been charged with a crime.
Domestic violence is incredibly common with it receiving a lot of discussion in the community. Domestic violence may play a part in relationship break ups and as our NSW lawyers know, it refers to intentionally injuring or killing an animal, assault, sexual assault, stalking or repeated derogatory taunts and put-downs.
It’s a highly sensitive matter, with victims of domestic violence often blaming themselves. Armstrong Legal’s New South Wales lawyers are well qualified in the area of domestic violence and will address your concerns with the sensitivity and discretion they deserve.
If you’re in a situation where you would like some legal advice, for yourself, or someone you know our New South Wales should be your immediate point of contact. They can answer your concerns and help you with an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) application or other queries you may have.
If you are going through a de facto relationship separation, marriage separation or divorce, you may find yourself requiring the services of an NSW lawyer who specialises in Family Law.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers have the expertise and skills to help you through the process, and can assist with mediation or negotiation to reduce the likelihood that the matter of property settlement or child custody will end up being heard in the Local Court or the Family Court of Australia.
Typically when a relationship breaks up, the two parties involved are in different emotional states, which could increase your stress levels. Our family lawyers are friendly, approachable; and can help you develop strategies to help you with parenting after separation.
Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers practice in accordance with the Family Law Act which is based on the principles that all children have the right to safety and to know both their parents.
Costs and payments
In limited instances, Armstrong Legal’s NSW lawyers may offer their services according to a no win no fee agreement. These agreements are typically reserved for cases where a financial benefit is a likely outcome, so the fees will be payable at the conclusion of the matter.
For other cases three payment options are available:
• Pay upfront
• Pay as you go
• Pay at the conclusion of the matter.
All cases will be assessed individually and the payment option available to you will depend upon your financial situation.
Unfortunately, our NSW lawyers do not offer Legal Aid, however, you may be able to get a Legal Aid grant if you meet their criteria.