Sydney Traffic Lawyers

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Top Traffic Lawyers in Sydney

Traffic offences range from minor summary offences to serious indictable offence like culpable driving causing death and culpable driving causing serious injury. While many traffic offences are finalised by way of a plea, many others are contested and some involve large amounts of evidence being called by both defence and prosecution and complex arguments.

If you’ve received a summons, been arrested and bailed, or are remanded in custody on traffic offences, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our Sydney Traffic Lawyers take on about 800 traffic law matters every year. They know the legislation, the procedures and the magistrates and they will ensure that you understand the allegations against you and test the prosecution case thoroughly.

Our lawyers act with integrity and transparency. They will communicate with you in an effective and timely manner, keeping you up-to-date with their preparation and making sure you understand all the procedures. They will make you feel included and empowered to make the best decisions.

Get Urgent Traffic Law Advice

Our New South Wales Traffic Law team has a wealth of experience assisting clients with traffic matters ranging from parking tickets to dangerous driving causing death and everything in between. Because many traffic offences carry lengthy licence disqualification periods, fines and even terms of imprisonment, it is critical to have the best legal team on your side from the beginning. This page contains information about Armstrong Legal’s Sydney traffic lawyers.

Our team understands that being able to drive can be fundamental to your ability to earn an income and look after your loved ones and we are proud to say that we regularly succeed in avoiding licence disqualification periods for our clients.

Whether a person is charged with a traffic offence or has simply accumulated too many demerit points, there are always options to consider. Our Sydney traffic lawyers can help you to navigate the law and decide what is right for you. If you need to attend court (or want to do so) then we will also assist you to thoroughly prepare your case and will represent you, minimising your stress and maximising the leniency you receive.

In addition to more common matters like speeding fines and licence suspension appeals, our team has experience in prosecutions under the Heavy Vehicle National Law and Authorised Inspection Scheme (AIS). Our Sydney traffic lawyers technical understanding of the industries and laws and working relationships with the relevant authorities will allow us to achieve the best results for you.

While all of our criminal lawyers handle traffic offences from time to time, the below members of our team are particularly experienced in these types of matters. For one-off advice or representation, please feel free to call our lawyers on 1300 038 223 or send us an email to arrange an appointment with one of our Sydney lawyers who specialise in traffic matters.

Traffic - Recommended - 2022

Armstrong Sydney Law Firm

St Martins Tower, Level 35/31 Market St. Sydney, 2000

Why choose our law firm
  • We strive to provide our clients with accessible, personalised and affordable legal advice.
  • Our office staff are friendly and reliable.
  • We apply our legal expertise and lateral thinking skills to achieve the best possible outcome.

Accredited Specialists who attend Sydney

Angela Cooney

Accredited Specialist in Criminal Law - National Practice Director – Sydney

Trudie Cameron

Accredited Specialist in Criminal Law - Principal Lawyer | Practice Leader – NSW & ACT

Craig Robinson

Accredited Specialist in Criminal Law - Special Counsel - Sydney

The Best Lawyers in Sydney

Sophie Ogborne

Criminal Law - Solicitor - Sydney

Tyson Brown

Criminal Law - Senior Associate – Sydney

Headshot of Angela Cooney trudie-cameron-lrg

Angela Cooney And Trudie Cameron

Our team is led by Angela Cooney and Trudie Cameron, both of whom are accredited specialists in criminal law. Angela has been recognised as a recommended traffic lawyer and Trudie as a leading traffic lawyer in the Doyles Guide, as voted by other solicitors and barristers.

Because of their seniority and recognition, Angela and Trudie appear in very serious examples of these types of offences, or for clients who have much at stake. They regularly assist the other lawyers in our team with their matters to ensure our clients have the best chance of obtaining a favourable result.

Headshot of Sophie Ogborne

Sydney Traffic Lawyer: Sophie Ogborne (Solicitor)

Sophie Ogborne is a Solicitor at Armstrong Legal with previous experience in criminal law, civil law and family law, the criminal division of the District Court, and in the equity division of the Supreme Court. Sophie now exclusively practices in criminal and traffic law, and understands that a potential criminal conviction and loss of licence can have detrimental consequences on one’s life, carers responsibilities and ability to earn a living. Sophie is a passionate and devoted advocate who prepares meticulously to achieve the best results for her clients.



Sydney Traffic Lawyer: Tyson Brown (Senior Associate)

Tyson Brown is a Senior Associate at Armstrong Legal with vast experience representing clients in all traffic matters. He is known for his refreshing, down-to-earth, “everyman” style which allows him to persuasively advocate for clients in court as well as with police and Transport for NSW. Many of Tyson’s clients have received the benefit of reduced charges due to his outstanding negotiation skills. Tyson is known for going above and beyond in service to his clients, as evidenced by the numerous positive reviews he has received.

Our team of Traffic lawyers in Sydney

Our team of exceptional lawyers are available from 7am until midnight on 1300 038 223 and can provide advice and representation across our seven areas of expertise, which are criminal law, family law, corporate criminal law, contested estates, traffic law, commercial law and administrative law.

All of our professional and dedicated Sydney lawyers are ready to assist with your legal matter in Sydney and surrounding areas.

Contact the team 1300 038 223

Speeding in Sydney

Most speeding offences attract an on the spot fine, demerit points and/or a licence suspension. You’ll pay the fine, stop driving until you can legally drive again and that will be the end of the matter.

However, sometimes a driver may want to elect to have a speeding matter dealt with by a court. This may be because they deny that they were the driver of the car, or because they had mitigating circumstances and want to make submissions to the court as to why they should receive a lesser penalty. They may also want to argue a full legal defence to the charge, such as that they were acting under duress or in circumstances of sudden and extraordinary emergency.

To speak to one of our Sydney Traffic Lawyers about your speeding matter, call 1300 038 223.

Sydney DUI Offences

DUI means driving under the influence of certain drugs and/or alcohol. In NSW, Driving under the influence is an offence that the courts take very seriously.

A DUI conviction attracts a maximum fine of $3,300 and/or a maximum prison sentence of 18 months for a first offence. The fine increases to $5,500 with a maximum prison sentence of two years for subsequent offences.

If you’ve been charged with DUI and have a court date, it is crucial you contact one of Armstrong Legal’s Sydney Traffic Lawyers to help you explore all your options. This may include negotiating to have the charge downgraded to a less serious offence, and asking the court to offer you a Section 10 dismissal.

Every case is different, so it’s wise to talk to a Sydney Traffic Lawyer about possible defences and penalties that might apply in your situation.

Contact the Sydney Traffic Law team!

Taking the next step and contacting a lawyer can be scary. Our lawyers will make you feel comfortable so you can talk about your situation.

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Obtaining a DUI Work Licence

New (Sydney) New South Wales Judges and Magistrates take DUI offences very seriously, so it is imperative that you employ the services of an experienced Sydney Traffic Lawyer to help fight your case.

In addition to financial and custodial penalties for a DUI offence, you may also get demerit points or a period of licence suspended. The nature of the offence and your driving history determine the duration of any suspension the court imposes.

Losing a license is even worse for people who drive as part of their job. Unfortunately, in NSW, restricted work licences do not exist so if you lose your licence for DUI, you lose the ability to drive even for work.

Losing your licence could therefore mean losing your job so to minimise the penalty you receive in your traffic matter contact one of our Sydney Traffic Lawyers. They can help you apply for a good behaviour period or advocate for a lighter penalty.

For some driving offences, you cannot apply to have your disqualification removed. Talk to your lawyer if you’ve been disqualified from driving.

Unlicensed Suspended Disqualified Driving

Similar to other driving offences; driving whilst unlicensed, driving whilst suspended and driving whilst disqualified all carry severe penalties and they are treated very seriously by the Courts.

Driving whilst unlicensed in Sydney

Driving without a license is an offence and may lead to a fine up to $2,200 for a first offence. Second or subsequent offences will receive a harsher penalty with possible fines increasing to a maximum of $3,300 or imprisonment of up to 18 months.

Driving whilst suspended

Driving while suspended may lead to a fine of up to $3,300 and/or prison for up to 18 months; plus there is a 12 months licence disqualification. For second or subsequent offences, the fine increases to a maximum of $5,500 and/or two years imprisonment. There is also a compulsory licence disqualification period of two years.

Driving whilst disqualified

The maximum penalty for driving whilst disqualified is a fine of up to $3,300 and/or a prison term of 18 months. For second or subsequent offences that penalty increases to $5,500 and/or a prison term of 2 years. There is also a compulsory licence disqualification period of two years.

Armstrong Legal’s Sydney Traffic Lawyers take great pride in being able to help clients in their time of need. They’ll explain the process to you and make sure you know what to expect if you have a pending court date.

Dangerous and Negligent Driving

Dangerous and Negligent driving are separate traffic offences; each attracting severe penalties, the severity of which depend on whether anyone in the collision was hurt. If the matter goes to court, it’s prudent to appoint a lawyer to handle your case.

Our Sydney traffic lawyers are experienced in dealing with all kind of traffic matters, including:

  • dangerous driving causing death
  • dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm
  • negligent driving causing grievous bodily harm
  • negligent driving causing death
  • drive in a manner dangerous to the public
  • drive at a speed dangerous to the public

If you require legal advice about traffic law or any other legal matter, please contact Armstrong Legal.

Legal Hotline
Open 7am - Midnight, 7 Days
Call 1300 038 223