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Challenging a Will

If a person is concerned that a will might be invalid, they can challenge the will. The court can determine that the will of a deceased person is invalid for a range of reasons, for example, if the deceased person did not have capacity to make a will; or was subjected to undue influence or if fraud was committed. Please note that the law and legal process is different in each state.

We provide legal advice for challenging wills in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. The process of challenging a will is complicated and it is important to obtain the right legal advice before you begin. If you are thinking of challenging a will, call us for a free assessment of your case.

We understand losing a family member is difficult and contesting a will is an emotional process. We want to help you achieve a successful outcome, while reducing the worry and stress for you. We are here to help by providing a considerate, fair and professional service.

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Open 7am - Midnight, 7 Days
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