About Us
Armstrong Legal has a team of lawyers that practices exclusively in contested estates. The team deals with hundreds of contested estates cases every year and our lawyers are experienced in defending wills as well as bringing claims against wills. This means they are well versed in all aspects of wills, estates and probate law.
Contested Estates Specialists
There are many advantages to enlisting the services of a firm that has a team of contested estates specialists. One advantage is that we achieve successful outcomes because of our concentrated expertise in the field.
Our team of contested estates lawyers handle the full spectrum of contested estates matters from contesting a will based on an undue influence claim, an allegation of fraud or a lack of testamentary capacity claim to challenging will by brings Family Provision Claims under the Family Provisions Act 1982 (NSW). We are also experienced in assisting clients to defend a will so that they receive their full entitlements as outlined in the deceased person’s will.
Experienced Lawyers
With our broad ranging experience in contesting wills we have successfully resolved many cases outside of court, saving clients the stress, time and money that’s generally involved in a contested hearing. Armstrong Legal’s team of contested estates lawyers can help ensure that the deceased person’s assets are distributed fairly.
Our contested estates lawyers will listen to you and thoroughly review all the information you give us so we can build the best case for you. Legal matters are stressful and can be every harder when you’re dealing with family in the wake of the loss of a loved one. We will help you through the process, keeping you updated and ensure that you make the best decision at every step in the process. Our lawyers will ensure you understand all the principles and procedures that the court will be following so that you are empowered to fight for the best outcome.
Challenging a Will Time Limits
Strict time limits apply when challenging or contesting a will so if you intend to dispute a will you need to get advice as soon as possible. Depending on your situation, we may be able to offer legal advice and representation on a No Win No Fee basis, particularly where there is likely to be a settlement paid out.
If you are considering challenging or contesting a will, it’s imperative that you contact our contested estates lawyers team at the earliest opportunity so we can determine if you have a valid claim. For advice on how to challenge a will, how to contest a will or any other matter relating to a deceased person’s estate, contact Armstrong Legal.