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Good Behaviour Licence

If you hold a full (unrestricted) licence in the ACT and have exceeded your demerit-point allocation, you may apply for a Good Behaviour licence.

You will be issued with a Good Behaviour licence for a period of 12 months. During these 12 months your demerit point threshold will be 2 points. A Good Behaviour licence is also referred to as a probationary licence.

If you complete your Good Behaviour period without incurring 2 demerit points, you will return to holding a full unrestricted licence and have 0 demerit points on your licence.

When Does the 12-Month period start?

The Good Behaviour election can be made at any time after the licence holder is served with a notice of demerit-point suspension. Once you have elected for a Good Behaviour licence, the 12 months will start on either the day the demerit point suspension was due to take effect or the day the Good Behaviour licence election was made (which ever comes later).

What if I Get More than 2 Demerit Points While on a Good Behaviour Licence?

If you incur more than 2 demerit points, your Good Behaviour licence is cancelled and you will be suspended for a period that is double the original suspension period.

If you have been charged with a traffic offence that will result in your Good Behaviour Licence being breached, you may elect to have the offence determined by a court. Once you have been notified of the offence, you have 28 days to make this election.

Common Offences and Demerit Points

Offence Demerit Points
Exceed speed limit by 45km/h or more 6 points
Exceed speed limit by more than 30km/h, but less than 45km/h 4 points
Exceeding speed limit by more than 15km/h, but less than 30km/h 3 points
Exceeding speed limit by less than 15km/h 1 point
Using hand held mobile phone while driving 3 points
Using hand held mobile phone for messaging, social networking, mobile application or for accessing internet 4 points
Driving without a seatbelt 3 points
Motorcyclist not wearing helmet 3 points
Negligent driving, not causing death or Grievous Bodily Harm 3 points
Improper overtaking or passing 2 points
Failing to give way 3 points
Disobeying traffic signal 3 points


If you require advice or representation in any legal matter, please contact Armstrong Legal.

Michelle Makela

This article was written by Michelle Makela

Michelle has over 15 years experience in the legal industry, working across commercial litigation, criminal law, family law and estate planning.  Michelle has been involved in all practice areas of the firm and in her personal practice has had experience in litigation at all levels (State and Federal Industrial Tribunals, the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, Federal...

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