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Drink Driving Offences

Being charged with a drink driving offence can be stressful. For many people, it is their first taste of the criminal justice system and they have no idea of what is likely to occur at court. This section of the site contains articles written by traffic lawyers about all the different types of drink driving offences. It has been designed to inform people charged with a Prescribed Concentration of Alcohol (PCA) offence or a Driving under the influence (DUI) offence of what penalties are likely to be imposed by the court.

The below table sets out the penalties that apply to drink driving offences in NSW.

OffencesPenaltyAutomatic disqualification (where no alcohol interlock order is imposed)Minimum disqualification (where no alcohol interlock order is imposed)Minimum disqualification period (where alcohol interlock order is imposed)Maximum disqualification period (where alcohol interlock order is imposed)Alcohol interlock period
High Range
$3300 fine or
18 months
3 years12 months6 months9 months24 months
High Range
$5500 fine or
2 years jail
5 years2 years9 months12 months48 months
$2200 fine or
9 months
12 months6 months3 months6 months12 months
$3300 fine or
12 months
3 years12 months6 months9 months24 months
novice range
$2200 fine6 months3 months---
novice range
$3300 fine12 months6 months1 month3 months12 months
DUI Alcohol
$3300 fine
18 months
3 years 12 months6 months9 months 24 months
DUI Alcohol
$5500 fine or
2 years jail
5 years2 years9 months12 months48 months
Drug present
in system
$2200 fine6 months3 months---
Drug present
in system
$3300 fine12 months6 months---

*** Please note a second or subsequent offence means a similar or major offence committed within the last five years ***

For more information see the below articles.

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