Dangerous Driving Offences
In Western Australia, the Road Traffic Act 1974 encompasses various offences relating to dangerous driving, reckless driving and careless driving. There is a range of driving behaviours that can give rise to these charges, including excessive speeding, hooning and doing burnouts.
A person charged with one of these offences may be found guilty of another offence as an alternative verdict. All these offences carry terms of imprisonment as well as fines and periods of licence disqualification.
Dangerous driving
Section 61 of the Act defines dangerous driving as driving a motor vehicle in a manner that is dangerous to the public or to any person. This can include speeding and other dangerous driving behaviour.
When judging whether a person was driving dangerously, courts consider a number of factors. These include
- the nature and quality of the driving
- how much traffic was on the road at the time
- how many pedestrians were in the area at that time
- the condition of the road
- the weather conditions
- the health and condition of the driver
- the experience of the driver, and
- the driver’s level of familiarity with that particular road.
A common example of dangerous driving behaviour is using a mobile phone illegally whilst driving – for example, to send a text message.
Hoon Driving
In Western Australia, hoon driving is another example of dangerous driving. Hoon driving usually occurs when a person drives at very high speed or in a manner that is considered highly dangerous or antisocial.
Hoon driving may include:
- intentionally causing tyres to lose traction;
- causing a motor vehicle to make excessive noise or smoke;
- exceeding the speed limit by 45 km/h or more; and/or
- taking part in a race or speed trial on a public road or in a public space.
Vehicles that are driven in a reckless or dangerous manner can be impounded under the Act. WA Police also have the power to impound vehicles used to exceed the speed limit by 45 km/h or more. A person who has their vehicle impounded by police is responsible for all associated costs including towing and storage.
Penalties For Dangerous Driving
Under section 61(3)(a) of the Act, a first offence of dangerous driving can attract a fine of up to 60 penalty units. For a second offence, a person can be fined up to 120 penalty units and/or imprisoned for up to nine months.
The court must also suspend the offender’s licence for 12 months.
A person charged with dangerous driving may instead be convicted of an offence of careless driving) or hooning, depending on the circumstances of the offence
Reckless Driving
A person commits an offence under section 60 of the Act if they drive in a reckless manner. This includes driving at speed or in any other way that is inherently dangerous to the public or to any person.
A person commits an offence under section 60A if they drive at a reckless speed (ie 155km/h or more).
A person found guilty of reckless driving or of driving at a reckless speed is liable to the following penalties:
- for a first offence, a fine of 120 penalty units or imprisonment for nine months and disqualification from driving for at least six months;
- for a second offence, a fine of 180 penalty units or imprisonment for nine months and disqualification from driving for at least 12 months;
- for a third or subsequent offence, a fine of 240 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months and disqualification from driving for life.
Careless Driving
It is an offence under section 62 of the Act to drive a motor vehicle without due care and attention.
A person who willfully drives a motor vehicle so as to cause excessive noise or smoke to come from one or more of the vehicle’s tyres or a substance on the driving surface is also guilty of an offence under this section.
If you have been charged with dangerous, reckless or careless driving, it is important to remember that you may be found guilty under any of the other relevant sections of the Act and so may receive a heftier sentence and, in some circumstances, even a term of imprisonment.
If you require legal advice or representation in any legal matter, please contact Armstrong Legal.
This article was written by Michelle Makela
Michelle has over 15 years experience in the legal industry, working across commercial litigation, criminal law, family law and estate planning. Michelle has been involved in all practice areas of the firm and in her personal practice has had experience in litigation at all levels (State and Federal Industrial Tribunals, the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, Federal...