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About Us

Armstrong Legal has a team of lawyers who practice exclusively in family law. One of the advantages of using a firm with a team of family law specialists is our concentrated expertise in the field. Having such a specialist team enables us to delegate work to a solicitor who has the appropriate level of experience to handle your matter. It also helps to minimise your legal costs.

At Armstrong Legal, we will thoroughly analyse and prepare your case so that we achieve the best possible outcome for you, whether this involves negotiating with the other party to settle the matter or pursuing litigation on your behalf. We understand that the legal process can be confusing and overwhelming. Our lawyers will help guide you through your proceedings and keep you fully informed.

We understand that family law clients come to us during a very difficult period. Our team is chosen for both their technical knowledge of the law and their demonstrated care and compassion towards their clients.

Family law matters generally affect every aspect of your life. In these circumstances, you need a firm that specialises in family law to ensure that you obtain the outcome you are seeking. We regularly provide advice in property matters, child custody disputes, separation, divorce matters involving domestic violence, mental illness, adoption, surrogacy and same-sex relationships.

Armstrong legal is a family law firm with an ISO 9001 accreditation, an internationally recognized standard for quality management that demonstrates our dedication to providing outstanding legal services. We offer our clients value for money and we ensure that your matter receives the attention it deserves.

If you would like to speak to one of our family law solicitors, please do not hesitate to call us on 1300 168 676or alternatively, send us an email by clicking the appropriate button at the top or bottom of this page.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Legal Hotline
Open 7am - Midnight, 7 Days
Call 1300 038 223