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Commercial law encompasses a range of civil law matters, including employment matters, contractual disputes, insolvency, commercial leases and debt recovery. Commercial law matters often involve parties that are based in different states and territories. If you are unsure which jurisdiction you should initiate proceedings in, it is best to seek legal advice immediately.

In Queensland, some commercial matters are dealt with by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT). This includes debt recovery matters where the amount in dispute is less than $25,000. However, commercial law disputes can often be resolved through negotiation or alternative dispute resolution. When a matter cannot be resolved out of court, the court or tribunal that will hear it depends on the amount of money that is in dispute.

The jurisdictional limits that apply to Queensland commercial law matters are as follows:

QCAT – up to $25,000

Magistrates Court – up to $150,000

District Court – $150,000 – $750,000

Supreme Court – over $750,000


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