Melbourne Criminal Lawyers
Our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers proudly represent clients from all parts of Melbourne and are committed to achieving the best possible outcome in your criminal matter. Whether you have been summoned to come to court, charged with an offence and granted bail, remanded in custody or are being investigated in relation to offences, our criminal lawyers can guide you through every step of the court process and maximise your chances of a favourable outcome.
If it’s your first time before the courts, the process can be intimidating. If you have a prior criminal record, you could be facing harsher penalties the second or subsequent time around. Either way, it’s important that you have good legal representation to ensure your case is presented in the best possible light and that all aspects of your defence are examined in detail at an early stage. Armstrong Legal’s Melbourne Criminal Lawyers are experienced and highly skilled professionals who provide sensitive and empathetic legal service.
Drug Offences in Melbourne
Our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers routinely represent clients charged with drug offences from minor matters like possession of a small amount of cannabis to drug trafficking or importation matters in the Supreme Court. Drug offences can attract lengthy custodial sentences so it is important that you have the best legal representation if you are facing these sorts of allegations.
Contact our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers if you would like advice about drug offences or any other criminal law matter.
Violent Offences in Melbourne
Our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers assist many people on charges involving violence, from common assault to serious harm and assaults involving weapons. Violent offences are taken very seriously by the courts so it is important that your case is thoroughly prepared and then you have an experienced criminal lawyer on your side.
If you require legal advice or representation in relation to violent offences, contact Armstrong Lawyers today.
Contact the Melbourne Criminal Law team!
Taking the next step and contacting a lawyer can be scary. Our lawyers will make you feel comfortable so you can talk about your situation.
Sexual Offences
Being found guilty of a sexual offence can have very serious long-term consequences. As well as facing imprisonment, you could be placed on the Sex Offender Register. The Sex Offender Register is a database that allows authorities to track sex offenders. Sexual offences range from indecent assaults to child sex offences and offences involving child abuse material. If you have been charged with a sexual offence, contact Armstrong Lawyers Melbourne Criminal Lawyers today.
Juvenile Offenders
Our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers regularly represent juveniles who have been charged with criminal offences. While juvenile offenders are generally treated more leniently than adults, the Children’s Court has the power to sentence children to periods in detention as well as supervised orders, fines and community-based orders. However, in some cases, young people are accepted into diversionary programs as an alternative to being dealt with by the criminal justice system.
If your child has been charged with a criminal offence, contact our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers today for advice.
How our Melbourne Lawyers Can Help
We can help by guiding you through the process and helping you prepare for court, or if the matter is in the early stages we may be able to get the charges dropped to avoid you going to court at all. We regularly represent clients in all the courts from the Magistrates Court through to the County Court and the Supreme Court.
Our Melbourne Criminal Law Hotline
Open 7 am-midnight 7 days a week.
Because most legal cases are unique you can save time and money by asking a lawyer about your situation directly rather than researching it yourself online.
It costs nothing to get your legal matter assessed by a lawyer on the Armstrong Legal Hotline.
Our lawyers will be able to provide you with an assessment of your matter and make recommendations about the next step you should take.