Melbourne Traffic Lawyers
Our Melbourne traffic lawyers deal with all aspects of traffic law from unlicensed driving to serious indictable driving offences like culpable driving causing death. While many traffic offences are dealt with by way of an infringement notice, others need to be finalised in court.
Regularly appearing in the Magistrates Court, County Court and Supreme Courts, our Melbourne traffic lawyers are an experienced and strategic team which will maximise your chances of getting a favourable outcome. Whether you have elected to have the court deal with a matter that you received an infringement notice for, have been summoned to come to court or arrested in relation to traffic offences, our friendly and sensitive Melbourne traffic lawyers will support you every step of the way.
Speeding in Melbourne
All speeding offences in Victoria attract a fine. The amount of the fine depends on how much you were speeding by. The majority of speeding offences also attract demerit points. If you are caught exceeding the speed limit by 45km or more, an automatic licence suspension applies. This may be anywhere from three months to 12 months.
Many people who are caught speeding simply pay the fine. However, it is also possible to elect to have the matter dealt with by a court. This may be because you want to contest the offence or because you have significant mitigating circumstances that you want to put before the court in a plea for a more lenient penalty.
If you need advice on speeding or other traffic offences, please contact our Melbourne traffic lawyers.
Drink Driving Charges in Melbourne
In Victoria, it is an offence to drive with blood alcohol content of more than 0.05. Drink driving offences carry penalties of fines, periods of license suspension and imprisonment. When a person is caught drink driving, they will often receive an immediate license suspension. This will generally last until the matter is finalised in court. The court may impose a further period of license suspension as well as other penalties, depending on the circumstances.
If you require advice on drink driving please contact our Melbourne traffic lawyers.
DUI Charges Melb.
Driving under the influence (DUI) means driving when you are affected by alcohol or drugs. It is different to drink driving in that it does not require you to have a BAC of over 0.05. It only requires your driving to be adversely affected by the presence of alcohol or a drug in your system.
DUI is a serious offence and can attract a custodial sentence.
If you have been charged with DUI, contact our experience team of Melbourne traffic lawyers. They will provide a sensitive and professional legal service that will ensure the court is made aware of every factor in your favour.
Heavy Vehicle Special Hardship Licence
If you have been charged with traffic offences that attract a license disqualification period, you may be wondering how you are going to manage without a license. Fortunately, Victoria does consider the necessity to drive in limited circumstances.
If you drive a heavy vehicle for work you may be eligible for an exemption from disqualification on hardship grounds. Speak to our Melbourne Traffic Lawyers today about applying for a heavy vehicle special hardship license.
Contact the Melbourne Traffic Law team!
Taking the next step and contacting a lawyer can be scary. Our lawyers will make you feel comfortable so you can talk about your situation.
Unlicensed/Suspended/Disqualified Driving
Driving without a valid licence is an offence and you will be penalised if you are found guilty of this offence. You cannot operate a motor vehicle when you are unlicensed, when your license is suspended or you are disqualified from driving. Victorian courts take the offence of driving whilst disqualified very seriously as it amounts to a breach of a court order. It is common for courts to impose custodial sentences for this offence.
If you are facing charges of driving whilst unlicensed, suspended or disqualified, contact our Melbourne traffic lawyers for advice.
Hoon Driving and Dangerous Driving
When you drive a motor vehicle you have an obligation to drive safely so that you do not endanger others on the road, including motor vehicle drivers, bike riders and pedestrians. Hooning and dangerous driving are therefore treated very seriously by the courts.
Dangerous driving
Dangerous driving can consist of many different actions, which may involve speeding, drink driving or doing something else that endangers other road users.
If you’ve been charged with a dangerous driving offence, call our Melbourne Traffic Lawyers to discuss this.
If you are convicted of hooning offence there is a real chance you may have to forfeit your vehicle. Hoon driving is an umbrella term that covers repeated drink driving, excessive speeding and other forms of dangerous driving such as burnouts, donuts and wheelies.
Like some other traffic offences, hoon driving may result in you forfeiting your vehicle or it being impounded or immobilised. Another order the court may make if you are found guilty of this offence is that you must participate in the Safe Driving Program.
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It costs nothing to get your legal matter assessed by a lawyer on the Armstrong Legal Hotline.
Our lawyers will be able to provide you with an assessment of your matter and make recommendations about the next step you should take.