Traffic Law offences are the offences most commonly dealt with by the Local Court. Traffic matters are treated very seriously by the court and many of these offences attract sentences of imprisonment.
Whether you have been charged with a Drink Driving offence, a Negligent Driving or Dangerous Driving offence or are facing allegations of Menacing Driving or Culpable Driving, our ACT traffic lawyers are here to ensure your matter is thoroughly prepared for court and to help you obtain the best possible outcome.
The ACT has a number of traffic law peculiarities, including the ability for some traffic offenders to be granted a restricted, or work, licence, even if disqualified from driving by a court. Our traffi clawyers can advise you as to whether you are likely to receive an Immediate Licence Suspension or if your matter would benefit from your participation in a Traffic Offenders Program.
Our ACT traffic claw team can thoroughly advise you on all aspect of your traffic law matters so give them a call today.