Canberra Family Lawyers

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The Family Law Act covers all family matters from divorce through to parenting orders, child support, property settlement and more.

The end of a relationship can be ghastly, even when the decision to split was mutual. The harder part comes after the separation when the negotiations for a property settlement and for care of the children begin.

When you’re emotionally invested it’s hard to think clearly and a lot of people struggle to negotiate without their feelings getting in the way. If you leave the negotiations to our family lawyers, you can focus on moving forward with your life.

Our lawyers are experienced in helping clients reach parenting, child support and property division arrangements that are fair and that they and their former spouse are happy with. They are also skilled at negotiating property matters on terms that are favourable to their clients and avoiding the need for litigation wherever possible.

As well as dealing with the end of relationships, our family lawyers can also assist when you want help creating a financial agreement in contemplation of a de facto relationship or a financial agreement in contemplation of marriage.

Give our team of Canberra family lawyers a call to discuss your Family Law matter and see how we can help. We’ll work together with you from the start, ensuring you understand every step of the legal process and feel empowered to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Put your trust in us and we’ll help you move on with your life.

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AMP building, Level 6/1 Hobart PlCanberra,2601

Getting Divorced in Canberra

Our family lawyers deal with applications for divorce and responses to divorce applications every day. They can help you to ascertain when is the best time to apply for a divorce, ensure the respondent is properly served and that all the supporting documentation is obtained.

Contact our Canberra Family Lawyers today to see how they can make getting a divorce as easy as possible for you.

De Facto

The Family Law Act applies to de facto relationships in the same way it applies to marriages. However, in the case of de facto relationships, it can be less clear exactly when the relationship began.

Our lawyers will help you to establish whether you were in a de facto relationship and the date the relationship legally began by obtaining some facts, such as:

  • The length of the relationship
  • Your living situation
  • Whether or not there was a sexual relationship
  • Whether finances were shared or separate
  • Whether you shared other aspect of your life
  • Whether you had property that was jointly owned or jointly paid for
  • Whether the relationship was registered

Our lawyers recognise that when a de facto relationship ends, financial matters need to be considered, especially if you have children together. Parties also need to establish what their financial and non-financial contributions to the relationship were.

Our family lawyers can advise you on property and parenting matters arising out of your de facto relationship. We’re here to negotiate for you and simplify the process, so give us a call on 1300 038 223.

Separation in Canberra

Our Family Lawyers deal with relationship separations daily. They know that it’s often a difficult time for both parties, with a lot of stress and anxiety about the future.   A lot of questions could be whirling around in your mind, such as:

  • How do I separate?
  • What happens to shared finances?
  • Will I still see my children?
  • What are my rights?
  • Can my spouse still live with me?
  • What date does the separation take effect?
  • How long do I need to be separated before I divorce?

Our  Canberra Family Lawyers can advise you on all legal issues arising out of a separation including child support, living arrangements, child custody and getting a divorce.

Contact the Canberra Family Law team!

Taking the next step and contacting a lawyer can be scary. Our lawyers will make you feel comfortable so you can talk about your situation.

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Canberra Property Settlement

If you have separated from a spouse or de facto partner, you may need to arrange a property settlement. This may be able to be achieved amicably with or without the assistance or a family dispute resolution practitioner. If that is not possible, you may need to go through court proceedings and obtain orders from the court as to how the asset pool is to be divided.

Our knowledgeable Family Lawyers will explain the procedures for a property settlement, the principles that the court will apply and the time limits that apply. They’ll also give you information about how homemaker contributions, inheritances; and current and future needs will be taken into account.

Parenting matters

If you have separated from the other parent of your children, you will need to come to an agreement about the care and responsibility for the children. In some cases, it may be simple to ascertain where the children should live and who they should spend time with. In other cases, this may require a long process of negotiations and assessments.

Our family lawyers can guide you through the family law processes associated with parenting matters.  Appointing an Armstrong Legal Family Lawyer gives you room to breathe so you can focus on adjusting to the new situation.

Our Family Law Hotline

Open 7am-midnight 7 days a week.

Because most legal cases are unique you can save time and money by asking a lawyer about your situation directly rather than researching it yourself online.

It costs nothing to get your legal matter assessed by a lawyer on the Armstrong Legal Hotline.

Our lawyers will be able to provide you with an assessment of your matter and make recommendations about the next step you should take.

Contact the team 1300 038 223

Legal Hotline
Open 7am - Midnight, 7 Days
Call 1300 038 223