Divorce in the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The health crisis in which we find ourselves has caused many to experience emotional stress, financial hardship, and feelings of social isolation arising from the act of physical distancing.  These increased stressors can create significant strain on couples. Constantly sharing the same space with your partner can cause even the strongest of relationships to crack. Added to this is the economic strain which many couples and families are experiencing, along with fear about one’s health, and uncertainty surrounding the future. These factors can have a disastrous effect on our closest relationships. Statistics from China reveal that, when the lockdown was… Read More

Give the children a voice – an analysis of submissions made by Save the Children to the Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law system

The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (“the Act”) stipulates a presumption that it is in a child’s best interests for that child’s parents to have equal shared responsibility for the child. Parental responsibility is defined in the Act as all the duties, powers, responsibility and authority which parents have in relation to children. This means that separated parents will have equal responsibility for a child, or children, unless the Family Court is satisfied that the presumption is contrary to the child’s best interests. The Act clearly states that the best interest of a child must be the paramount consideration… Read More
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