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Mid Range Drink Driving – BAC: 0.143

Offender Information and facts

Age: 61
Years driving: 41
Number of prior DUI/PCA charges: 0
Traffic record: Less than 5 offences
Occupation: Retired
Location: New South Wales (NSW), Australia
Blood alcohol reading (BAC): The offender blew a reading of 0.143
Circumstances of the offence: Stopped by police because he was driving without headlights on. Submitted to a random breath test which returned a positive result. Arrested for the purpose of a breath analysis.

Penalties that can be given to a person charged with Mid Range PCA

1st major traffic offence within 5 years

  • A conviction and maximum fine of $2,200.00
  • A maximum prison term of 9 months
  • An unlimited maximum disqualification period
  • A minimum disqualification period of 6 months
  • An automatic disqualification period of 12 months

Sentence Statistics for offenders charged with Mid Range PCA (July 2006 – June 2010)

Section 10 dismissal/bond: (7175) 16%
Fine only: (28308) 65%
Good behaviour bond/probation: (301) 13%
CSO: (1303) 3%
Suspended sentence: (294) 1%
Periodic detention: (206) <1%
Home detention: (65) <1%
Prison: (373) 1%

Penalty obtained by Armstrong Legal

No conviction, no disqualification and no penalty. Matter discharged conditionally upon our client entering into a good behavior bond under Section 10(1)(b) Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act.

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